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TCP Protocol

EventMesh SDK for Java implements the TCP producer and consumer of synchronous, asynchronous, and broadcast messages. Both the producer and consumer require an instance of EventMeshTCPClientConfig class that specifies the configuration of EventMesh TCP client. The host and port fields should match the file of EventMesh Runtime.

import org.apache.eventmesh.client.tcp.conf.EventMeshTCPClientConfig;
import org.apache.eventmesh.client.tcp.common.ReceiveMsgHook;
import io.cloudevents.CloudEvent;

public class AsyncSubscribe implements ReceiveMsgHook<CloudEvent> {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
EventMeshTCPClientConfig eventMeshTcpClientConfig = EventMeshTCPClientConfig.builder()
/* ... */

TCP Consumer

The consumer should implement the ReceiveMsgHook class, which is defined in

public interface ReceiveMsgHook<ProtocolMessage> {
Optional<ProtocolMessage> handle(ProtocolMessage msg);

The EventMeshTCPClient class implements the subscribe method. The subscribe method accepts the topic, the SubscriptionMode, and the SubscriptionType. The handle method will be invoked when the consumer receives a message from the topic it subscribes. If the SubscriptionType is SYNC, the return value of handle will be sent back to the producer.

import org.apache.eventmesh.client.tcp.EventMeshTCPClient;
import org.apache.eventmesh.client.tcp.EventMeshTCPClientFactory;
import org.apache.eventmesh.client.tcp.common.ReceiveMsgHook;
import org.apache.eventmesh.common.protocol.SubscriptionMode;
import org.apache.eventmesh.common.protocol.SubscriptionType;
import io.cloudevents.CloudEvent;

public class TCPConsumer implements ReceiveMsgHook<CloudEvent> {
public static TCPConsumer handler = new TCPConsumer();
private static EventMeshTCPClient<CloudEvent> client;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
client = EventMeshTCPClientFactory.createEventMeshTCPClient(



public Optional<CloudEvent> handle(CloudEvent message) {"Messaged received: {}", message);
return Optional.of(message);

TCP Producer

Asynchronous Producer

The EventMeshTCPClient class implements the publish method. The publish method accepts the message to be published and an optional timeout value and returns the response message from the consumer.

/* ... */
client = EventMeshTCPClientFactory.createEventMeshTCPClient(eventMeshTcpClientConfig, CloudEvent.class);

CloudEvent event = CloudEventBuilder.v1()
.withExtension(Constants.EVENTMESH_MESSAGE_CONST_TTL, String.valueOf(4 * 1000))
client.publish(event, 1000);

Synchronous Producer

The EventMeshTCPClient class implements the rr method. The rr method accepts the message to be published and an optional timeout value and returns the response message from the consumer.

/* ... */
client = EventMeshTCPClientFactory.createEventMeshTCPClient(eventMeshTcpClientConfig, CloudEvent.class);

CloudEvent event = CloudEventBuilder.v1()
.withExtension(Constants.EVENTMESH_MESSAGE_CONST_TTL, String.valueOf(4 * 1000))

Package response = client.rr(event, 1000);
CloudEvent replyEvent = EventFormatProvider