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MongoDBSinkConnector: From EventMesh to MongoDB

  1. launch your MongoDB server and EventMesh Runtime.
  2. enable sinkConnector and check sink-config.yml.
  3. start your MongoDBConnectorServer, it will subscribe to the topic defined in pubSubConfig.subject of EventMesh Runtime and send data to connectorConfig.collection in your MongoDB.
  4. send a message to EventMesh with the topic defined in pubSubConfig.subject and then you will receive the message in MongoDB.
# default port 10000
meshAddress: your.eventmesh.server:10000
subject: TopicTest
idc: FT
env: PRD
group: mongodbSink
appId: 5031
userName: mongodbSinkUser
passWord: mongodbPassWord
connectorName: mongodbSink
# REPLICA_SET or STANDALONE is supported
connectorType: STANDALONE
# mongodb://root:root@,
url: mongodb://
database: yourDB
collection: yourCol

MongoDBSourceConnector: From MongoDB to EventMesh

  1. launch your MongoDB server and EventMesh Runtime.
  2. enable sourceConnector and check source-config.yml (Basically the same as sink-config.yml)
  3. start your MongoDBSourceConnector, it will subscribe to the collection defined in connectorConfig.collection in your MongoDB and send data to pubSubConfig.subject of EventMesh Runtime.
  4. write a CloudEvent message to yourCol at yourDB in your MongoDB and then you will receive the message in EventMesh.